There’s so much to take away and learn in this episode. Roland Frasier and Cameron Herold discuss business, operations, and mind-set. If you’re a COO (or you HAVE a COO), this conversation will be super helpful for you. They talk about how he’s advising his COO alliance to shift and keep moving toward profitability. Plus, they go into depth on his expertise in PR.
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“Not only is Cameron (Herold) an amazing business person, with a whole academy for COO’s, but he’s also really fantastic with PR.” Roland Frasier.
Cameron is known for being an author, and the COO of “1-800-Got Junk”. He took them from 14 employees to 3100 in 6 years, from 2M in revenue to 106M, and all of the above with no debt, and without giving away any equity. They also ranked the #2 company to work for in Canada. But, Cameron had done this several times before.
Listen For,
- The publicity secrets that have been serving him for 30 years.
- Three moves Cameron immediately implemented when he started working at 1-800-Got Junk.
- What you need ready before you pick up the phone and call a journalist.
- What to say in your one-on-one pitch.
- Why he believes physical print articles are more powerful than online articles.
- The best P.R. Trifector to amplify your brand and keep your stories Top of Mind.
“There’s no such thing as Investigative Journalism. They can’t afford to go out and find stories. The reality is, they are humans… We’re all lazy. We all want the path of least resistance… so the reality is, if you’re handing them a story, they’re probably going to write it, if not now then tomorrow”. Cameron Herold.
- What journalists are looking for now, and the importance of staying at the ‘front wave’ of the news – if you want them to run your story.
- How to talk to the media in sound bites, and work your messaging into whatever question the press member may ask you.
The Five Core PR Stories Every Company Has Already
- The Overcoming Adversity Story.
- The Entrepreneurial Startup Story.
- The Culture Story.
- How You’re Using Technology Tools.
- The Story About Your Customer.
Plus, Cameron Shares His Advice on How To Lead at This Difficult Time.
“Employees, more than ever right now, in general, want to follow. And it’s time for leaders to lead”. Cameron Herold.
And So Much More! Click to find us on Apple Podcasts and other podcast players.
Mentioned In This Episode
COO Alliance Press Page
Cameron Herold Press Page
Free PR Book
Meetings Suck Book
Double Double Book
Vivid Vision Book
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