The man who created Bluefish, the internationally famous company that makes once in a lifetime events happen for the rich and famous, sits and chats with Roland Frasier, and reveals some of his trade secrets for making things happen.
If a bricklayer from East London can be ‘knocking around’ with the Pope and Elon Musk, we want to hear about his mindset, persistence and what he has to say about networking and relationships!
Listen For
- How people sell their dreams short and what Steve does to get through to the actual (but vulnerable) truth.
- How to shoot for the Moon every time (and grab the stars on the way down).
- How to approach obstacles and deal with failures.
- How to enter intimidating relationships from a position of credibility.
- How to make a bold request in a way that they just can’t answer ‘No’.
- How to build relationships by inserting genuine value.
- How to research and do your homework so that you can bring value to your relationships.
- How to audit your own social media presence for consistency and authenticity.
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