(Special) Episode 56: Top Travel Hacks from High-Flyers, with Roland Frasier & Friends

Roland Frasier loves to travel and HAS to travel to do business face-to-face around the world. For Roland and his guests, it’s paramount that they travel smart, arrive refreshed, and utilize all the ways possible to make their dollar go further and stay in style.

In this special episode of ‘Business Lunch,’ we’ve made our favorite ‘Mix Tape’ of different travel hacks from a selection of Roland’s high-flying guests, including Michael Bernoff, J.J Virgin, Mark Anthony Bates, Pete Vargas, Ryan Levesque, Steve Simms, and AJ Mirabedini.

Listen for

  • How to spread authentic goodwill and get rewarded with upgrades.
  • How to travel graciously, respectfully, and not be the ugly tourist.
  • How to eat everything you want while you’re traveling and keep up your healthy routines.
  • How getting the upgrade for free or even paying for the upgrade is ALWAYS worth it.
  • When you can legitimately board the plane before anybody else, no matter what class you’re traveling in.
  • Why you should be booking VIP services at airports.
  • How (and why) to work the Airline credit cards, hotel credit cards, and loyalty programs.
  • A script for your assistant to use to call hotels ahead of time, and how to find that person at every hotel that has the power to upgrade you.
  • How to fly to Europe first class with an amazing stop on the way and for a fraction of the price.


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