Tag: Real Estate Investing

Episode 257, How To Build Wealth AND Income, With Roland Frasier (Part 2)

As the Co-founder or principal of 5 different Inc, Magazine’s fastest-growing companies (e-commerce, e-learning, SaaS + real estate), Roland is a serial entrepreneur who has built or sold over 30 businesses with adjusted sales ranging from $3 million to just under $4 billion. He’s a mentor and investor and an excellent podcaster too!

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Episode 197, How To Fund And Flip Homes In An Expensive Market, With Brian Daly

Brian Daly is a successful real estate investor, entrepreneur, writer, and speaker in glorious San Diego, California. He’s ‘flipping’ homes in a pricey market, and he’s making it work. If you’re interested in Real Estate and how to compete in a tough market, this episode will be insightful and worth every minute, as Brian walks Roland through a typical deal.

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