“Haters spend time on Winners, but Winners spend time with Winners. And hatred is a form of jealousy. I’ve never met a hater that was doing better than me.” J T Fox
Roland is excited to share a conversation with J T Foxx. Roland describes him as a super-smart business person, marketer, and one of the best networkers you’ll ever know.
JT Foxx is the ultimate Millionaire Underdog. He is a successful serial entrepreneur with companies, brands, and business interests spanning the globe. He is one of the top platform speakers in the World and has been deemed the World’s #1 Wealth Coach as seen and heard on television and in radio and print. JT is also a media and TV personality. What is most important to JT Foxx though, are his philanthropic endeavors with youth entrepreneurs and kids with cancer.
If you found this episode helpful and want to hear more from J T, visit JTFoxx.com. If you’re enjoying the show, be sure to subscribe, write a review, and share this episode with your business-minded friends.
Listen Today For,
• How he went from eating Ramen and sleeping on the office couch to the ‘worlds best wealth coach.’
• How he bombed (and stuttered) when he first started doing public speaking.
“It doesn’t matter if you’re a good speaker, there’s a science and a structure to selling. You can’t just wing it.” J T Fox
• The hierarchy in the business world that he believes needs to be honored.
“Never give your opinion to someone that’s much more successful than you, unless they ask for it.” J T Fox.
• Why he admires (and what he’s learned from) Simon Cowell, Gordon Ramsey, and Donald Trump.
“Some people want to be right. I want to GET it right.” J T Fox
• How he got clients in 94 countries, owns 50 brands and still does real estate investing.
• The problem with big deals.
“You’re either hunting elephants or chasing Rabbits… that was a great lesson, that first you’ve got to get rabbits so that you can eat, or you’re going to starve”. J T Fox.
• Why you shouldn’t be showcasing your wealth… you will attract the wrong kind of people. “Fans are not buyers.”
“You’re not measured by how much money you make. You’re measured by how much you give”. J T Foxx
• How J T has changed his approach in response to the Pandemic and what he’s doing NOW.
“Relevancy is more important than Experience. People don’t care what you did 20 years ago. They care what you did the last couple of months. When things open up again, we’re all equal. We’re all the same”. J T Foxx
• ˙How he’s structuring deals with businesses right now.
“You have to remember everybody has a Why Button. And now, everybody has a fear button. You have to press the Why Button and find out the Fear button. They didn’t have a fear button 60-days ago.” J T Foxx.
• How he goes into new countries and crushes it, without knowing anyone.
“Everyone has the same business issues, the same people issues, the same scaling issues…” J T Foxx.
And So Much More! Listen in. Click to find us on Apple Podcasts and other podcast players.
Contact & Follow J T Fox
Through his website.
On Instagram.
Mentioned in this episode, MillionaireFlix.com, and MegaSuccess.com
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