If you’re an entrepreneur that’s looking to build wealth and manage your finances more effectively, you’ll hear some key takeaways and insight in Today’s episode.
“What you don’t know can hurt you, in terms of surprises that are bad, and also in missing opportunities that are good, that even the government has built-in for you to help you.” Roland Frasier.
Today Roland talks with Jim Dew, the CEO, and Co-Founder of Dew Wealth Management. Dew builds virtual family offices for entrepreneurs who are doing more than a million dollars of revenue. He makes what was traditionally a Billionaire’s ‘thing’ a more accessible solution. This innovative approach is designed to maximize time, money, and freedom.
What is a ‘Family Office’?
“A family office is where a billionaire will hire all the needed tax, legal insurance and investment professionals, attorneys, and accountants as full-time employees working for that one billionaire and their family. The efforts are coordinated with a clear vision of what the family is trying to accomplish, and it creates all kinds of smart decision making and good outcomes”. Jim Dew.
Thank you for listening. If you’d like more from us, head to our homepage and sign-up for our weekly memos. It also really helps us get the word out when you subscribe and write a review on ApplePodcasts.
Listen Today For,
• What Billionaires taught Jim.
• The surprising advantages of this millionaire model above the billionaire model.
• Why he started his own company.
• The Insurance mistake many entrepreneurs make.
• What to look for when hiring a CPA.
• Tax advantages that Entrepreneurs often miss.
“When we do tax planning, I always say you want to go deeper on your tax planning. That means to defer, eliminate, arbitrage, pay now and then none later, and reduce. So coming up with strategies, both simple and complex in all those areas is really important.” Jim Dew
Plus, Three Main Outcomes That Entrepreneurs Miss That Billionaires Get Right
- Infrastructure
- Maximizing your wealth (Inside and outside of your company)
- Having a plan for sustainable wealth.
“You get rich by being concentrated in a business, but you stay rich by being diversified outside of the business. And too often, entrepreneurs are waiting for the big exit that doesn’t happen or something goes wrong”. Jim Dew
Thank you for listening. If this (or any of our episodes) helps you, head to our homepage, https://businesslunchpodcast.com/, and sign-up for our weekly memos. It would also really help us get the word out if you would subscribe and write a review on ApplePodcasts.
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Business Lunch with Roland Frasier is brought to you by Scalable Podcasts.
Mentioned In This Episode
Beyond A Million Book
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