Tag: entrepreneurship

Episode 231, The Powerful Impact Of Evolved Enterprises, With Yanik Silver.

In this episode, you will be inspired as Yanik Silver talks with our host Roland Frasier. Listen and glean takeaways and insights from someone that Roland refers to as ‘one of the best networkers and marketers you would ever run across”. If you’re looking to make your entrepreneurial journey more meaningful and more fulfilling, this episode is a great starting point.

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Episode 229, Power Up Your Virtual Event, With Ryan Levesque: Top Tips For 2021.

To kick off a new year, Roland Frasier talks to Ryan Levesque, the Inc. 500 CEO of The ASK Method® Company, and the #1 national best-selling author of Ask. He is also a co-founder and investor in bucket.io®, a leading marketing funnel software for entrepreneurs.
Roland and Ryan discuss how 2020 impacted him, and the surprising opportunities he un-earthed. Plus, if you’re planning or considering hosting virtual events for 2021, then this episode will be a helpful brainstorm as you consider the year ahead. Ryan breaks down how they’ve been tweaking their virtual events for maximum user satisfaction. 

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